In ancient Korea the snake was the god of fertility, abundance, fortune and happiness, and represented immortality, regeneration and eternal life. We grow heirloom Korean peppers on the roof and save the seeds to plant each year-a cycle of regeneration, fertility and abundance. 새해 복 많이 받으세요 sae-hae bok man-i ba-deu-se-yo means please receive a lot of new year luck. Happy New Year! (so the further details are that snakes lay a lot of eggs so they were thought of being symbols of fertility and abundance but eggs are gross so I thought that seeds were a more elegant representation and peppers are an integral part of Korean cuisine. The snake has pepper flowers sprinkled about its body.) There's a version with no typography as well. Prints and cards available on my Society6 page https://society6.com/a/artists/jasonraish/designs/28607066