Officially licensed 24x36" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles poster (1990) for Bottleneck Gallery. Featured here is every weapon used in the film including the book Master Splinter throws at Michelangelo ordering pizza, April O'neil's bag she swings at Foot Soldiers, cymbals from the antique store, and yes even a random board a Foot Soldier uses to hit someone in said antique store fight scene. As a kid born in 1981, He-Man and Ghostbusters were awesome but by 1990 at age 9, my brain development and maturity caused TMNT to be the most awesome franchise of my youth. 9 year old Jason's mind would be blown if you told him in the future he'd make this poster. I put over 100 hours of research, sketching, composing, photo reference finding and screen shotting, drawing, rendering, self doubting, recomposing to make sure these turtles and weapons were movie accurate. 448 images are in my reference folder! I hope you find this art totally tubular.