Painting for Spoke Art’s 10th annual Moleskine group show. "Souvenirs” 8.25" x 10.25"; framed: 12.75" x 14.75", Acrylic and ink on moleskine paper 2021 Souvenir jackets appeared in post WWII Asia as soldiers would have the places they served and various slogans mixed with Asian imagery embroidered onto reused parachute silk jackets to take home as "souvenirs". This tradition continued in the post war eras of other Asian conflicts like the Korean War. Although thankful for the help, the military occupation of S Korea came with downsides, including inheriting a comfort woman scheme from the Japanese occupation. It's East meets West, Traditional meets Modern, Joseon dynasty hair pins and Hanboks meets American G.I., but there's history in these jackets born from the ashes of conflict and complex feels of all kinds. On view at Spoke Art in San Francisco from June 5th - 26th, 2021 https://spoke-art.com/collections/the-moleskine-project/products/jason-raish-souvenirs