Moms get all the love, what about Dads?

The Secret Service pays the writer a visit after he wrote "kill the pres...." on Facebook

snakes and shooting snakes and other Louisiana stuff

Chris Rose writes about the his classic story of rescuing dogs, and the dog actually rescuing him. This is a wilder looking version of our rescue husky, Dubu.

Courir de Mardi Gras, a traditional event in southern Louisiana on Mardi Gras. The rider's costume is based on the one Anthony Bourdain RIP wore when he rode on his show Part Unknown.

Chris Rose writes about lockdown in New Orleans, full page for New Orleans Magazine

Dragon Master Showcase is New Orleans' Premiere Street Acrobatic|Comedy|Dance Crew

Boil vs Steam. Chris Rose argues for steaming over boiling crabs as is the Louisiana status quo.

House on stilts on Grand Isle, Louisiana for New Orleans Magazine

Survival of the fittest in the newspaper industry. In New Orleans, The Advocate bought the Times-Picayune just weeks after it consumed the city’s largest alt-weekly, Gambit. Watch your back out there.

First it was Bourbon Street then Frenchman street then St. Claude Avenue. Tourists and the like descend on the new cool neighborhood until it’s not cool anymore.

Bachelorette parties are part of the New Orleans economy wether you like it or not

Crusties (CrustPunks, GutterPunks, there are many controversial delineations and variants) might not be so bad after all if you get down under the dirt to the human level writes Chris Rose. For New Orleans Magazine

Monday night 2006, one New Orleans Saints punt block brings redemption to Post Katrina New Orleans.

After a trip to the rural midwest Chris Rose writes about how bad the crime is in New Orleans in comparison.

Chris Rose writes about the Mardi Gras Indians and the much theorized origins of this culture. They are groups of people of color who spend all year painstakingly making these insane looking costumes, trying to look better than their competitors.

Like it or not, New Orleans needs The Tourists.

Chris Rose hopes that after this election we can move past demagogues taking over public squares (like Jackson Square). For New Orleans Magazine.

Ray Nagin, former New Orleans mayor did one good thing in Chris Rose’s opinion. He poured time and money into Armstrong Park and it was revitalized.

Chris Rose didn’t make it as a baseball player and ended up a writer.

The print industry is dying and writer Chris Rose talks about hustling to make ends meet because of it. I’m sure this one has been done before but it seemed like what I should do.

story on panhandlers known as “sign flyers” for new orleans magazine. Not all homeless are pan handlers and not all pan handlers are homeless. Some approach sign flying as a job.

Le Courir de Mardi Gras is this insane tradition that happens during Mardi Gras in New Orleans involving riding horses far out of town, drinking a lot all day, begging for food, and chasing chickens around to make gumbo out of. Oh and dressing like this. The HBO show true detective showed some of this. Louisiana has outlawed wearing hoods and maskes in public but makes some exceptions for this. Personally creeps me out.

New Orleans gentrification and renovators, their benefits and detriments to the city. Are they good or bad? A pro: raising property value of neighboring homes. A con: loss of culture.

Preventative home maintenance tasks like filling that hole in the soffit so squirrels don’t get into the roof.

Permaculture - agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. Elements include shade trees, edible plants/fruits/vegetables, rain water collection, composting.