We got married in Hawaii because Jen is from Hawaii. Pretty sweet deal. First image is the thank you card. Next is the animated save the date I made. “We fell in love somewhere on the cultural food bridge that is SPAM. The bridge that connects Hawaii to Korea to America. You may see processed meat but we see our childhoods eating SPAM in rural upstate New York or SPAM musubi in Oahu or eating SPAM in budaejjigae in Korea. Once we learned the secret that the other loved SPAM we knew that we had something special. It’s more than processed meat, it’s the common processed meat that brings us together under one tin. SPAM has humble beginnings as an affordable processed meat that the US military brought with them around the world to places like Hawaii, Korea, Okinawa etc. SPAM left an indelible mark on the world and in our hearts, and tummys. Save the date!” Also here is the invitation the was used (the black graphic) and a bonus look at the invite that got killed by one half of the art direction team. I thought it was brilliant and relevant and the logical follow up to the SPAM can save the date but alas it was killed by the other half of the creative team. Hawaii’s unofficial state food is SPAM musubi. Each invite would have been constructed so you have to unwrap the paper seaweed and flip up the SPAM piece and see us holding it up with the info written inside somewhere. Instead we went with the graphic showing stuff we like (napa cabbage representing Korean kimchi and a bonus we’re both Korean, wine bottle, a plane for travel and a fork for food.) The center is half apple (because I’m from upstate New York where there are tons of apples and we grew up with apple trees in our yard) and half pineapple because Jen’s from Hawaii. Pine(apple), how perfect is that coincidence? I spent many many hours on the thank you card over the following months and we finally got them all mailed out 8 months later. Our families stacked up on surfboards in Waikiki with diamond head in the background. and finally a few photos of that glorious time in Kailua. We were treated to a blood moon over the moks islands, spent 5 days in the amazing historic John Walker house on the beach, and oh yea got married!