Columbus Circle store front NYC

Central Park dog walkers, yep, that's a more handsomer idealized version of me down on the left.

Wall Street

Brooklyn Bridge

in front of the Madison Avenue store

“30 Years of Signature Style”, Luxury eyewear brand Morgenthal Frederics’ 30th anniversary fall advertising campaign. As a New York City brand they wanted scenes around NYC. Photography and art direction by Chris Chieco. I did a total of 8. Most of these are big 36"x36" and took about 60 hours each. A killer workload but I am still alive. It was used for in-store displays, window displays, huge window banners, holiday cards, website, social media, and magazine print ads. Series selected for the 59th annual Society of Illustrators show (Jan 4 - Jan 28th 2017). And talk about luxury some of the frames are $2,000+!