Did you become addicted to puzzles during the pandemic? Then i’ve got a 1000pc puzzle for you! We or my parents own most of the things in this cozy cabin puzzle. That’s the view out of my parents window complete with apple trees, deer, snow, and bird feeder. The 2 black Newfoundlands and 1 Landseer Newf are my mom’s champion show dogs and she has way more ribbons and medals than are displayed here. The binoculars, the cat, the ax, the receiver, the horseshoe are my parents (no log cabin or stone fireplace though). The record player, magnifying glass, ukulele, Hawaiian doll, Daruma doll, Mexican painted skull, wooden model, photos, bow and arrows, plants, Husky, rug, couch and blanket, bull horn horn, Portuguese bird ornament, colored vases, campfire pot, socks and boots are ours. All this to say, a lot of personal touches and love went into this puzzle. https://www.amazon.com/Colorcraft-Piece-Jigsaw-Puzzle-Country/dp/B08VLFPMB2/ref=sr_1_44?keywords=cabin+puzzle&qid=1637705196&sr=8-44