A Moveable Feast Ernest Hemingway
A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway. Ford Madox Ford was staring down Alestair Crowley while sitting with Ernest Hemingway. “…a rather gaunt man wearing a cape passed on the sidewalk. He was with a tall woman and he glanced at our table and then away and went on his way down the boulevard. "Did you see me cut him?” Ford said. "Did you see me cut him?“ "No. Who did you cut?” “Belloc,” Ford said. "Did I cut him!“ "I didn’t see it,” I said. "Why did you cut him?“ "For every good reason in the world,” Ford said. "Did I cut him though!“ Then they go into an exchange about who is a cad in classic Hemingway style. I read this when I was living in Paris for a year so I took this one to heart and spent too much time on this illustration. “That’s Hilaire Belloc,” I said to my friend. “Ford was here this afternoon and cut him dead.” “Don’t be a silly ass,” my friend said. “That’s Alestair Crowley, the diabolist. He’s supposed to be the wickedest man in the world.” “Sorry,” I said.